IT Services for public sector organisations

From the outset of Blueloop’s existence, over two decades ago, we have been working with the public sector. In fact, Blueloop first started as an outsourced IT provider for an international defence company.

We therefore have the industry experience required to deal with a wide range of public sector customers, and we have framework agreements set up.

Blueloop has Bloom partner accreditation. Bloom offer buying services to a community of buyers and suppliers to support the public sector to buy and manage professional services in a compliant, cost effective way.

Why use Blueloop for public sector IT support?

  • We understand the hurdles in IT procurement, and the compliance requirements needed to supply public sector organisations. Using ISO and ITIL business processes, our team is agile and adept, able to service your business requirements efficiently and effectively, and allowing easier procurement.
  • Blueloop can supply different roles to support the public sector’s IT needs, with a tailored service that respects your budget.
  • If you need co-managed IT support, our experts can provide a point of escalation for your in-house IT team should they need it. This offers a solution for complex problems which they are unable to solve in-house, or issues arising from limited time constraints, volumes of work or staff shortages.

Independent consultancy

Blueloop can also provide independent consultancy and/or project implementation so that your in-house IT team can focus on the day-to-day tasks that keep your organisation running.

Our strong company ethos of honesty, trust and integrity build strong foundations for a long-lasting partnership between Blueloop and our customers.

Cyber Essentials Certification for the public sector supply chain

Cyber criminals often target businesses with weaker security, using vulnerabilities as a stepping stone (or “back door”) to access the other businesses within a supply chain. They may even target the main organisation.

IT Services for public sector organisations

For this reason, for the majority of organisations working within a public sector supply chain, it is now mandatory that they are Cyber Essentials Certified.

Blueloop can help you through the Cyber Essentials certification to keep your business, and the supply chain, compliant.

So, whether you’re looking for digital workspace solutions, or managed IT support for your sector, unified communications, Microsoft Teams, cloud solutions, managing your IT security or much more, call us now to see how we can help.

Call us on 01460 271055, or send us a few details using the form below.

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